

“There is no right answer except to play and experiment.” - Jonathan Adler

In Progress

  1. Building Envelope Performance - Thermal vs Weather Station local climate data
  2. Oriented Strand Board Applications - walls, furniture, floor tiles, concrete forms


  1. Davis Weather Station - Temperature, Wind Speed/Direction, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, Solar Radiation, Rain Speed/Volume
  2. Purple Air - Air Quality
  3. Raspberry Boom - Infrasonic Sound


  1. OSB Standing Desk with aluminum handrail frame
  2. Train/No Train AI detector
  3. NodeMCU LED Light Controller
  4. Pi Zero Temperature / Humidity sensor network
  5. EPS Foam panels for wall insulation - 16oc 2x4, 24oc steel stud, 3/4in OSB faces
  6. OSB Floor tiles
  7. OSB Twisted Hexagon Sink Base
  8. Pi Zero Sound Level sensor network


  1. Pairing Stations - two part epoxy, height adjustable
  2. WikiWall 90 degree Corner
  3. GE Alarm Panel Indigo Integration

“If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong.” — Dr. Richard Feynman


  1. 8020 Monitor Stand
  2. Water Bottle Garden
  3. Hot Foam Table Cutter
  4. LIME Factory Weather Camera
  5. X-Controller Tests for ShopBot
  6. UVLED Flood Lights
  7. Aluminum Ladder Golf
  8. WikiWall v3 - Domain Specific Language remix
  9. Hex Cell


“Any man whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a man.” — J. Robert Oppenheimer

  1. The Witte Museum Ticketing - React/Redux
  2. The Gathering Coasters
  3. WikiWalls v2
  4. CodeUp Signs
  5. Beer Display
  6. Rising Barn Scale Models
  7. SA MiniMakerFaire
  8. KnotGeek Tool
  9. Libro
  10. Openstack Summit Sign
  11. Social Media Web-app Re-platform - React/Redux
  12. SnackDot Countertop Shop
  13. Mobile Pool Setup
  14. Rising Barn Asher
  15. Carvey Experiments
  16. Eastside Light Rail Authority
  17. LuminaRGB

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. ShopBot PRS Rebuild
  2. Rotational Stools
  3. One to Several Table
  4. Breakout Table
  5. Standing Desk
  6. Shelfie the Infinite Bookcase
  7. Fin Bookshelf
  8. WikiWalls
  9. Plywood Forklift
  10. Factory Bathroom

“The true method of knowledge is experiment.” ― William Blake


  1. Shapeoko 2
  2. Artoo
  3. Glassless Mirrors
  4. Make a Difference Engine No. 3
  5. Blinkdom
  6. Texas Table Tops

“If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment.” ― Ernest Rutherford


  1. Snowflake for Giants
  2. Crating Art
  3. Wikihouse
  4. Mega Pixel

“No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.” ― Albert Einstein


  1. Mayan Calendar
  2. DxD Skulls
  3. Fiesta Stroller
  4. Super Zero (ShopBot)
  5. X-axis EChain (ShopBot)
  6. KentCNC Dust Shoe (ShopBot)
  7. PixelInvaders
  8. r26D End Table
  9. Fibo Blocks
  10. StripInvaders

“A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist” — R. Buckminster Fuller


  1. Rane MP24 Stand
  2. Vinyl Logo Stickers
  3. r26D Lab Sign
  4. Hello World!
  5. Shopbot / Assembly

“It’s not an experiment if you know it’s going to work.” ― Jeff Bezos


  1. TruckingOffice

“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” ― Albert Einstein