
Move, Robot!

Nothing throws off your project manager’s pretty gantt chart like re-locating your entire workshop. It only took us a few months to get comfortable enough to assemble the ShopBot when it first arrived. Luckily a friend in from Indiana with heavy equipment experience was able to loan us his confidence and oversee moving the robot across town to our new space.

Time to Move

  1. Disconnected the dust collection system
  2. Disconnected the hardwired power connections
  3. Removed the four stepper motors
  4. Detached the Control Box
  5. Detached the table surface - 4 sheets of 3/4” wood/MDF
  6. Removed the gantry

20141113 155341 BE7f iPhone 5

20141114 105305 BE7f DSC RX100

20141114 100154 BE7f iPhone 5

20141114 103843 BE7f iPhone 5

Everything fit in a small rental box truck and was loaded using only two dollies.

20141114 114553 BE7f DSC RX100

ShopBot’s New Home

20141114 131140 BE7f DSC RX100

Dust Collector’s Corner

20141114 115236 BE7f iPhone 5